Involving civil society in the 2025 UN Ocean Conference in Nice, France

The 2022 UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon, co-hosted by the Portugal and Kenya, made significant strides in addressing marine pollution, harmful fishing practices, biodiversity loss, and acidification. However, despite these efforts, the conference fell short in fully addressing the unprecedented threats faced by our ocean. Looking ahead, the 2025 UN Ocean Conference, co-hosted by France and Costa Rica, demands innovative and transformative ideas to protect and restore the ocean. In the words of Rémi Parmentier, Director of the Varda Group, “we must change the tone and increase the volume.”


Let’s Be Nice to the Ocean is a coalition of organisations, coordinated by the Varda Group, united to increase the involvement of civil society in preparations for the 2025 UNOC in Nice, France. Through open consultations with civil society, research and policy development, and advocacy events, this coalition has already made great progress in advancing out-of-the-box ideas for ocean protection. Ocean Born Foundation is proud to support the Varda Group in their coordination of this coalition and campaign and is a prominent participant in the strategic development process.


In addition to the Varda Group, we thank all our fellow coalition partners for their support and contribution to this initiative, including Ocean & Climate Platform, TBA21-Academy, Dona Bertarelli Philanthropy, the Tara Ocean Foundation, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, and MedPAN.


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