Our mission

We exist to fight climate change by raising awareness, activating citizens and generating new income streams to protect and restore the ocean.

Our vision

We envision a healthy blue planet for the long-term benefit of all life on Earth.

Our ultimate goal is to create new, sustainable streams of income to combat the climate crisis by focusing on ocean health. We aim to limit human-induced damage and restore ecosystems because we believe empowered consumers will, where they do not reduce consumption, choose ethical brands that minimise environmental impact and fund ocean restoration and protection.


Our mission and vision stem from the recognition that all activities have social and ecological impacts and that every form of investment, every choice of product and service, and every money flow decision has an impact. And, de facto, if the impact is not consciously benefiting social or ecological outcomes, it is quite likely damaging them. We want to turn this on its head with the most ambitious environmental standards on our products and the higher purpose of the sale of the product to be for the ocean’s benefit for double impact.

OBF - Ocean Born Lifestyle

Why we do this

As the world warms, extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and intense, sea levels are rising, prolonged droughts are putting pressure on food crops, and many animal and plant species are being driven to extinction. It is hard to imagine what we as individuals can do to resolve a problem of this scale and severity. But the good news is: we are not alone.


People, communities, cities, businesses, schools, faith groups and other organisations are acting. We are fighting like our lives depend on it – because they do. We have reached the tipping point in that redressing environmental degradation is the most pressing challenge on the planet today. We must recognise that just like on a team, there are many different roles to be played but ultimately, we all need to work together to win.

In the same vein, we all hold some kind of power to make a difference to our fragile planet. Whether our power be big or small, formal or informal, over social media, in the streets or at our workplace, at policy level or through our lifestyle choices… We now must use everything we have.


The Ocean Born Foundation is how we hope to contribute. We wish for it to be an additional platform for you to enact further change on top of what you already are doing. We wish to together accelerate solutions-in-progress.


We encourage you to try our products, alert your friends about them and tell us how we can further improve.

We support the UN sustainable development goals

At the Ocean Born Foundation we support the UN Sustainable Development Goals. As employers we subscribe to SDG8, as producers we give particular importance to SDG12, and our reasons for existing are to support SDG13 and SDG14, the latter the most underfunded of the SDGs. Throughout everything we do, we have SDG17 in mind as only through collaborating with others will we achieve our mission.


SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth

All of us seek dignity in our work and prosperity in our communities. SDG 8 underlines the need to “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth” as well as “full and productive employment and decent work for all.” As employers, it is crucial to us that we foster a positive workplace based on values of equality and inclusion, and meaningful work. As producers, it is important that we invest in our communities and contribute to collective growth and prosperity.

SDG 12

SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

Promoting responsible consumption and production patterns involves shifting the way we think about our purchases. At Ocean Born, we believe empowered consumers will, where they do not reduce consumption, choose ethical brands that minimise the environmental impact. As consumers ourselves, we know that we must lower our consumption, prioritise quality over quantity and get to know the brands we do consume to ensure we are supporting the kind of future we want to see. This is embedded in our brand philosophy.
SDG 13

SDG 13: Climate action

SDG 13 implores us to “take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.” At Ocean Born we recognise that global warming and the rapid deterioration of the ocean are facts we can no longer ignore. Our goal is to create new, sustainable streams of income to combat the climate crisis by focusing on ocean health. Achieving a planetary carbon balance lies at our core and runs through each and every decision we make.
SDG 14

SDG 14: Life below water

It is tragic that SDG 14 is the most underfunded of the SDGs. The goal states we ought to “conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.” If our endgame here at Ocean Born is to mitigate climate change, then the ocean is our playing field. Ocean health, ocean life and ocean communities are our reason for existing. Everything we do starts and ends with the ocean.

Choose your way to protect what you love.