Mechanical sails for the decarbonisation of maritime transport

bound4blue’s eSAIL installation uses aerospace technology and a rigid suction sail design to create a best-in-class Wind-Assisted Propulsion System (WAPS) for maritime vessels. Once installed, the solution takes advantage of available winds to generate clean forward thrust, reducing the engine thrust required and consequently cutting down fuel consumption and pollutant emissions.  Operated effectively it can maximise forwards thrust under any sailing conditions and generate double-digit percentages in fuel and emissions savings (EEXI and CII compliance).


b4b has also integrated weather sensors, capable of measuring various weather parameters like wind intensity and direction, temperature, and atmospheric pressure, combined with GPS/inertial sensors to deliver several vessel navigation parameters.


bound4blue provides flexibility for ship captains to vary vessel speed and owners to generate tradable carbon allowances.

About bound4blue

bound4blue delivers automated, wind-assisted propulsion systems that harness renewable energy as a turn-key solution to ship owners and operators. This is an example of a high-impact initiative to reduce fossil fuel consumption and dangerous emissions by up to 40%. bound4blue completed its first installation in Summer 2021 and we are proud to be a part of their journey.



Got a fleet of ships? How about rigging them up with bound4blue’s innovative wind propulsion solution?

Tell them we say hi 😉

Learn more about wind-powered climatefriendly shipping solutions. They can transport your goods – or you can register your ship and join the coalition! 

Want to experience climate-friendly travel on a classic ship? Consider joining Grayhound Ventures on their next journey.  


Choose your way to protect what you love.