Harnessing the power of giant kelp
The Kelp Forest Foundation addresses the gap in science around kelp forests and makes new knowledge publicly available, with the ultimate goal of harnessing the power of giant kelp to help restore the health of the planet. One of their current projects involves studying a robust kelp forest in Namibia to understand the ambient factors that determine growth, carbon sequestration, nutrient composition and water filtration capacity of the plants. Such data would not only contribute to the world’s understanding of this valuable species, but could eventually lead to the first ever offshore kelp cultivation methodology and certification standards for kelp-based blue carbon credits. This remarkable work would not be possible without marine-proof nutrient sensors that can withstand the exposure to the elements out in the ocean. Ocean Born Foundation is proud to provide the funds to purchase such a sensor and looks forward to learning about the results and implications of Kelp Forest Foundation’s research.
About Kelp Forest Foundation

Kelp Forest Foundation, established in 2021, addresses the gap in science around kelp forests and makes new knowledge publicly available. Their ultimate goal is to harness the power of giant kelp to restore the planet’s health. Even though the ecological role and benefits of kelp are currently understudied, their research indicates that fostering an ecosystem of kelp forests would precipitate other breakthroughs in oceanography, such as de-acidification, habitat creation and carbon sequestration. Their dedication helps raise the profile of this overlooked species and recasts kelp as a key contributor to oceanic climate action.


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If you’ve fallen in love with kelp like we have, check out Akua’s kelp products (presently only available in the US).

If you are a business-owner and interested in this industry, consider becoming a member of the Global Seaweed Coalition, a global partnership that oversees the safety and the sustainability of the seaweed industry.

Did you know that seaweed might be the solution to our plastic-induced problems? Check out how NOTPLA is revolutionising using ocean-resources as the solution to climate change by creating seaweed-based biodegradable packaging.


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