Documenting Ocean Health along Iberian Coast - La España Azul

España Azul seeks to generate an environmental impact through scientific research that will be carried out by collecting data and samples at geo-located points for subsequent laboratory analysis by sailing around Spain.

Our grantee has successfully completed their fieldwork and sampling phase, and at the end of 2023 España Azul will publish their first document on macro-litter with the data collected in the cleaning and scientific sampling on the beaches. In 2024, they will then publish a scientific paper on micro and nano-plastics with all the data and conclusions obtained from the samples taken at sea.

About Nacho Dean

Nacho Dean broke records and made headlines when he became the first person to walk across the world in 2013. The journey took him 3 years across 4 continents, 31 countries and 33,000 kilometers alone, unassisted and without stopping, in order to document climate change. Then, as if that weren’t enough, in 2018-2019 he decided to swim between 5 continents (because he felt like it was cheating to take planes during the first journey). Now, his latest project is España Azul.


Our grantee has successfully completed their fieldwork and sampling phase, and at the end of 2023 España Azul will publish their first document on macro-litter with the data collected in the cleaning and scientific sampling on the beaches. In 2024, they will then publish a scientific paper on micro and nano-plastics with all the data and conclusions obtained from the samples taken at sea. 



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