Our partner, Ocean Culture Life brings Ocean Storytellers and Ocean Guardians together to give a voice to the ocean. Their annual Storyteller Grant empowers young creatives to tell stories and fund projects that highlight the beauty of our ocean, its people, and the organisations that are working tirelessly to protect it. The 2022 winners are Kaush Subramaniam, conservation biologist and wildlife cameraman, who will produce ‘Peixinho’ about a courageous young man sharing his passion for the ocean in coastal Mozambique; Madeline St. Clair, a marine biologist, underwater photographer and expedition leader, who will draw attention to the amount of plastics used in Fuvahmulah (Maldives) whilst aiding with local led advocacy for conservation; and Stefan Petursson, artivist, who will create a series of artwork and illustrations in protest of Icelandic whale hunting.

At Ocean Born, we are so proud to have contributed funds to these storytellers.

Stefán Styngvi

Protect Category | Winner

Stefan Petursson (Styngvi) is the ‘Protect’ category winner. Styngvi will be using his ‘Artivist’ skills to create a series of artwork and illustrations around the theme of whale conservation in Iceland. His project is called ‘let them live’, with the CTA being to sign a petition to end the fin whale hunt in

Stefan's 2022 Update:

Stefan continues to be very passionate about spreading awareness about whaling in Iceland. Last year his first illustration series “Let Them Live” was created. More recently, he has been involved in opposing Japan’s plan to increase the consumption of whale meat in schools and vending machines.


He also donated some cards over Christmas with his artwork to the whale museum in Iceland to spread awareness and back the petition. This summer he plans to make one of his whale illustrations into a mural for an outdoor wall in Reykjavik.


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